

Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eyeball and orbit.  An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems. Ophthalmologists are allowed to medically treat eye disease, implement laser therapy, and perform incisional surgery when warranted. 

At LCMC, our scope of services for the Ophthalmology clinic includes the following:

  • Medical Management of Eye Disease and Eye Injuries
  • Determination of Vision and Eye Refraction
  • Fitting of Contact Lenses
  • Performing Small Intervention (Extraction of Foreign Body, Chalazion, Cysts)
  • Irrigation and Probing at Nasolacrimal Disease
  • Orthoptic and Peoptic Test for Squint & Amblyopia
  • Botox at Aculomotor Disorders
  • Retinal Laser Photo Coagulation
  • Glaucoma medical surgical management
  • Surgical correction of eyelid malposition
  • Blepharoplasty of upper and lower lids